"Change of Event" Window
window title - displays
(as a rule) text content of the window. For a main window this text content
fully coincides with what is written at the top of the window. A child window
title is often empty.
class name is usually
unique for each window.
the dropdown list which regulates the
degree of window search strictness by the title. In AutoClickExtreme there
is an advanced algorithm, which automatically defines how strict window
search by its title should be : "Exact coincidence" - to replay actions only
in a window with the fully coinciding title. "Smart search" - looks for a
title with a coinciding left part of the title (omitting characters from the
right one by one). "SS + search by the right part" - omits characters one by
one both from the right and from the left.
Message coordinate
displays click coordinates counting from the left hand
upper corner. To understand where the click will be made press the button
- the mouse cursor will
be placed in that position.
Click coordinate may change during Replay, if a window changes its
position in comparison to the one during Record.
With the help of
you can set a random
vertical or horizontal variance
in click coordinates.
When you are setting this value the coordinate variance is defined by a
which shows a possible click range.
Waiting time - is a number of seconds for search of main and child windows
during Replay. This value may change automatically in case of a search failure,
if a window doesn't appear in time.
CPU shows general
usage during Record. On default, processor
is not important during Replay, but you
can change the settings in
AutoClickExtreme so, that it would control the Replay speed, and CPU
usage won't be higher than during Record.
here you can see the name of the
program, where clicks or key strokes were made. The button
starts this application.
Mouse movements are not editable. You can only delete them and record once
again if you need. Smart Control events should be edited through other
dialog boxes.